Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the typical cost for a pentest?

    A: For a network of about 50 devices, expect to pay US $3k-5k for a pentest. For a simple Vulnerability Assessment of 50 devices, expect around US $1k-3k.

    A sample report is available of one of our vulnerability assessments. Other services are billed at an hourly rate.

  2. Do you do physical pen tests?

    A: We offer physical pen testing services for locations in the Orlando and Ocala areas.

  1. Business Hours?

    Phone and voicemails are answered 9-5 on all days. Security services are only performed on weekends.

  1. Are you hiring?

    No, not at the moment.

  1. I have a great idea, can you write the code/do whatever for me?

    While we aren't opposed to collaboration, unless you have a track record in the industry we aren't interested. Too many scripts kiddies think we do free work.